
Administrator Take-ons: Lead, Learn, and Keep Leading... and Learning

Image adapted from Of course, in this picture, I am the “me” guy hiding in the back.  I tend to want to stay in the back even though I am clearly assigned to be in the front as a leader.  The funny part is that in the show  Quantum Leap , he is actually the guy who helps Sam navigate the space-time continuum by helping him figure out his missions in each episode.  And in essence, that’s what we do as leaders for our students! See how that fit in?  In reading the EDUCAUSE article  A Grand Strategy for Grand Challenges  (Grajek and Brooks, 2020) I feel like the universe gave me permission to use my next picture as it begins with a scene from  Lord of the Rings .  I had created this meme it even before reading the article! So without further ado… Image adapted from … It is learned. In all seriousness, as I reflect on my own experience building up to my role in leadership, I have decided that there is ...

Instructor Take-ons: Be Present, Be Clear

  Firstly, Happy Adult Education Week! As the leader of my local Adult Literacy Center, it has been a very special week. There is a whole community of people I now belong to that advocates for Adult Learning and Family Literacy, and I am honored help other adults as my job, but also be an adult learner! This past year has been very enriching and I am beyond grateful. Tonight we hosted a Tutor and Learner Potluck with a theme of "Share the Love." The energy in the room was so positive and uplifting and it was the first time meeting other learners and tutors for some! But truly, this gathering helped to remind one another that they are part of a community of practice and that they have my and each other's support no matter where they are in their own journey.  Dr. Kang's notes in this module are really resonating with me. With adult education as my focus I have already experienced the importance of the aspects of  the TD model, especially in the one-on-one tutoring worl...

Learner Take-ons: Take-on me... Take me on....

Picture adapted from: t I hope I am not alone when that song came to mind when reading this week's topic… Anyone else?  Well, Anna 'Nother Note... When learning more about Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) Self-Efficacy Theory came to mind right away. When I took the class on adult motivation this past spring I remember the 2 main questions someone will ask themselves when approaching a task: 1) Can I do this task? 2) How successful will I be at doing this task? And the higher the likelihood the person thinks they can be successful, the more likely they are to engage in the task. This translates similarly to the TAM with the use of technology. The learner has to ask themselves: 1) Does this technology do anything for me? This is perceived use, or PU; 2) Will it be worth taking the time to learn it? This is the perceived ease of use, or PEOU (Davis 1985). The learner will weigh their self-efficacy with a certain technology by tak...

Blog vs. Discussion Board: Is blogging the same as discussion board activity for a SDLer?

Truthfully, nothing has ever moved me to to ever want to start my own blog.  In fact, I have never really liked the word "blog" much like many people dislike the word "moist."  Therefore, I was not interested in it.  HOWEVER, after this weeks readings, I have decided that I don't think I really understood it and it deserves my attention. I now have a greater understanding of why people choose to express themselves using this method (and honestly, feel a little bad about how I felt about blogging).  Blogs come from an  intrinsic motivation , a want or need to share your own thoughts and experiences with an unknown audience based on whatever you choose to discuss, for your own pleasure.  Blogging is way to put out information, not necessarily for the purpose, but more so with the possibility of someone who has a question about your topics seeking information that may or may not answer their question through the bloggers post. Celdran, et al. (2021) indicated ...